Welcome! I am a 2nd year Computer Science PhD student at New York University, advised by Prof. Qi Sun.

During my PhD, I interned at Meta Reality Labs, hosted by Alex Chapiro. Previously, I received my MS from NYU in 2023 and a BA from UC Berkeley in 2021.

I'm happy to chat about research or anything else, and can be reached at!

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2024 06 PEA-PODs won a best paper award (honorable mention) at SIGGRAPH!
06 I started my internship at Meta.
04 I passed my qualification exam.
03 My internship project, PEA-PODs, was accepted as a journal paper to SIGGRAPH 2024!
01 I'll be interning in Alex's group at Meta again this summer.


My current research interests intersect computer graphics, VR/AR, applied perception, and displays.
(Representative papers are highlighted, *=equal contribution, †=equal advising)

PEA-PODs: Perceptual Evaluation of Algorithms
for Power Optimization in XR Displays

Kenneth Chen, Thomas Wan, Nathan Matsuda, Ajit Ninan, Alexandre Chapiro, Qi Sun
SIGGRAPH 2024 | Journal Proceedings
Best Paper Award (Honorable Mention)
We conduct user studies to evaluate display power optimization algorithms.
[project page] [PDF] [code] [video] [supplement] [award]

Exploiting Human Color Discrimination for Memory- and Energy-Efficient Image Encoding in Virtual Reality
Nisarg Ujjainkar, Ethan Shahan, Kenneth Chen, Budmonde Duinkharjav, Qi Sun, Yuhao Zhu
A DRAM traffic compression scheme using peripheral color modulation.
[project page] [PDF] [code]

Towards Learning and Generating Audience Motion from Video
Kenneth Chen, Norman I. Badler
SCA 2023 | ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, Poster
[project page] [PDF]

Imperceptible Color Modulation for Power Saving in VR/AR
Kenneth Chen, Budmonde Duinkharjav, Nisarg Ujjainkar, Ethan Shahan, Abhishek Tyagi, Jiayi He, Yuhao Zhu, Qi Sun
SIGGRAPH 2023 | Emerging Technologies
A demo of the display setup and model from our SIGGRAPH Asia '22 paper.
[project page] [PDF]

Toward Optimized VR/AR Ergonomics: Modeling and Predicting User Neck Muscle Contraction
Yunxiang Zhang, Kenneth Chen, Qi Sun
SIGGRAPH 2023 | Conference Proceedings
Leveraging EMG devices, we developed a model to predict VR neck muscular workload.
[project page] [PDF] [code] [video]

Color-Perception-Guided Display Power Reduction for Virtual Reality
Budmonde Duinkharjav*, Kenneth Chen*, Abhishek Tyagi, Jiayi He, Yuhao Zhu, Qi Sun
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 | Journal Proceedings
[project page] [PDF] [code] [video]

CS-GY 9223: Virtual and Augmented Reality, NYU
Course Assistant | Fall 2024 | Prof. Qi Sun
CS-GY 6313: Data Visualization, NYU
Course Assistant | Spring 2023 | Prof. Qi Sun
CS-GY 6533 A: Interactive Computer Graphics, NYU
Course Assistant | Fall 2021 | Prof. Claudio Silva
CS 184: Computer Graphics & Imaging, UC Berkeley
Undergraduate Student Instructor | Spring 2021 | Prof. Ren Ng & Prof. Angjoo Kanazawa | [slides]
CS 194-26: Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography, UC Berkeley
Group Tutor & Reader | Fall 2020 | Prof. Alexei Efros